
2018年第五届凝聚态物理学最新进展国际学术研讨会 (NACMP 2018)的征文信息
发布时间:2017-11-27 09:47:50


The 5th Conference on New Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (NACMP 2018) 

will be held from August 21 to 23, 2018 in Kunming, China . This Conference will cover issues on Condensed Matter Physics. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods.

NACMP 2018 will be an important and reliable platform for inspiring international and interdisciplinary exchange at the forefront of physics. The Conference will bring together academicians, engineers, educators and policy-makers from all over the world, and we hope that you will take this opportunity to join us for academic exchange and visit the city of Kunming.

Kunming, Yunnan’s capital, resides at an elevation of 1890m and boasts a milder climate than most other Chinese cities. Celebrated as the "Spring City," Kunming has neither severe winters nor extremely hot summers and can be visited at any time of the year.

2018年第五届凝聚态物理学最新进展国际学术研讨会 (NACMP 2018)将于2018年8月21日至23日于中国昆明举行。本届大会是由武汉大学、工程信息研究院、千人智库、西南大学等多家单位共同协办。目前已经在上海,北京,苏州,深圳等城市成功举办过四届。

NACMP 2018旨在为业内专家学者分享技术进步和业务经验,聚焦凝聚态物理学相关领域的前沿研究,提供一个交流的平台。会议将集聚来自世界各地的科研人员、工程师、学者及业界专家,展示他们在凝聚态物理学相关领域的最新研究成果及活动进展,诚邀您同聚昆明,共襄盛会。



 会议召开日期:2018年8月21日            全文投稿截止日期:2017年12月22日

 摘要投稿截止日期:2017年12月22日    仅参会注册截止日期:2018年8月21日